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模拟酸雨对小黑麦种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以小黑麦品种中饲237为材料。在不同pH值的模拟酸雨条件下对种子萌发及幼苗生理特性进行了研究。分别测定了发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数和种子脱氢酶含量、幼苗鲜重、幼苗叶片叶绿素含量、叶片电导率等指标。结果表明,种子的各项发芽指标及种子脱氢酶含量、幼苗鲜重、叶绿素含量等随酸雨pH值减小整体呈降低趋势,叶片电导率则随酸雨pH值减小而有增加趋势。  相似文献   
水稻亚种间杂种F1光合特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用绵恢725、蜀恢527和蜀恢881三个籼型恢复系、1个美国稻Lemont和1个爪哇稻香大粒作母本,与1个日本特早熟粳稻Kitaake杂交,研究了5个杂种F1及其亲本的光合生理表现.结果表明,在高光通量密度(Photosynthetic flux density,PFD)条件下,5个杂种F1净光合速率(Pn)明显高于双亲或双亲之一,推测亲本与杂种F1之间不同的Pn同叶片中Rubsico活性有关.杂种F1的比较中,在表观量子效率(ψ)、羧化效率(CE)、CO2补偿点(T)等方面,籼粳亚种间杂种F1(绵恢725/Kitaake、蜀恢527/Kitaake、蜀恢881/Kitaake)对2个亚种内杂种F1香大粒/Kitaake(粳爪交)、Lemont/Kitaake(不同生态型的粳粳交,美国稻属于特殊粳稻)具有明显的优势,而蜀恢881含有粳型血缘,蜀恢881/Kitaake也比典型籼粳亚种间杂种F1绵恢725/Kitaake、蜀恢527/Kitaake优势稍逊一筹.5个杂种F1因为具有不同的遗传差异而表现出不同的光合优势,在这方面,典型籼粳亚种间杂交蜀恢527/Kitaake、绵恢725/Kitaake要优于其他杂交种,说明亲本间遗传差异越大,其杂种F1的光合优势越强.  相似文献   
Temperate forest ecosystems have recently been identified as an important net sink in the global carbon budget. The factors responsible for the strength of the sinks and their permanence, however, are less evident. In this paper, we quantify the present carbon sequestration in Thuringian managed coniferous forests. We quantify the effects of indirect human‐induced environmental changes (increasing temperature, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and nitrogen fertilization), during the last century using BIOME‐BGC, as well as the legacy effect of the current age‐class distribution (forest inventories and BIOME‐BGC). We focused on coniferous forests because these forests represent a large area of central European forests and detailed forest inventories were available. The model indicates that environmental changes induced an increase in biomass C accumulation for all age classes during the last 20 years (1982–2001). Young and old stands had the highest changes in the biomass C accumulation during this period. During the last century mature stands (older than 80 years) turned from being almost carbon neutral to carbon sinks. In high elevations nitrogen deposition explained most of the increase of net ecosystem production (NEP) of forests. CO2 fertilization was the main factor increasing NEP of forests in the middle and low elevations. According to the model, at present, total biomass C accumulation in coniferous forests of Thuringia was estimated at 1.51 t C ha?1 yr?1 with an averaged annual NEP of 1.42 t C ha?1 yr?1 and total net biome production of 1.03 t C ha?1 yr?1 (accounting for harvest). The annual averaged biomass carbon balance (BCB: biomass accumulation rate‐harvest) was 1.12 t C ha?1 yr?1 (not including soil respiration), and was close to BCB from forest inventories (1.15 t C ha?1 yr?1). Indirect human impact resulted in 33% increase in modeled biomass carbon accumulation in coniferous forests in Thuringia during the last century. From the forest inventory data we estimated the legacy effect of the age‐class distribution to account for 17% of the inventory‐based sink. Isolating the environmental change effects showed that these effects can be large in a long‐term, managed conifer forest.  相似文献   
Climate change is predicted to be dramatic at high latitudes. Still, climate impact on high latitude lake ecosystems is poorly understood. We studied 15 subarctic lakes located in a climate gradient comprising an air temperature difference of about 6°C. We show that lake water productivity varied by one order of magnitude along the temperature gradient. This variation was mainly caused by variations in the length of the ice‐free period and, more importantly, in the supply of organic carbon and inorganic nutrients, which followed differences in terrestrial vegetation cover along the gradient. The results imply that warming will have rapid effects on the productivity of high latitude lakes, by prolongation of ice‐free periods. However, a more pronounced consequence will be a delayed stimulation of the productivity following upon changes of the lakes terrestrial surroundings and subsequent increasing input of elements that stimulate the production of lake biota.  相似文献   
We develop a model to estimate the influence of child and parental characteristics on the likelihood that a child will become an obese or overweight youth. We use this model to test whether it is possible to forecast obesity and overweight among youth. Comparing Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) scores from these forecasts, we find that a model using childhood covariates does as well in forecasting youth obesity and overweight as a model using the covariate values contemporaneous with the youth obesity and overweight outcomes. The datasets used in this paper, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) and the NLSY79 Children and Young Adults, provide data from 1986 to 2002, allowing for the study of a child's transition to and from obesity or overweight over a long period. Explanatory variables that significantly influence the likelihood of youth obesity or overweight outcomes include the mother's obesity status and education, the youth's mental health, and certain demographic features including race, sex, and family size. These factors provide potential targets for policies that could be implemented early in life among children most likely to become obese or overweight.  相似文献   
甘蔗蔗汁品质性状的回归分析及模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文对47份不同甘蔗基因型的蔗汁品质性状进行简单回归和逐步回归分析.结果表明,蔗汁蔗糖分(Suc)与锤度(BX)、温度校正后锤度(BX′)、蔗汁旋光读数(0Z)以及转光度(pol)之间均呈线性回归,简单回归模型均达极显著水平(P<0.01),决定系数(R2)分别为0.9393、0.9199、0.9861及0.9839.通过逐步回归分析和残差分析建立多重线性回归方程为Suc=0.05706 0.21488BX 0.181030Z,方差分析表明多重线性回归模型达极显著水平(P<0.01),决定系数为0.9931.t测验表明,蔗汁蔗糖分的模型预测值与实测值间的差异不显著,相对误差平均为0.49%.  相似文献   
人工栽培铁皮石斛菌根的细胞学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从细胞学水平上研究了人工栽培铁皮石斛的菌根特征。结果表明:真菌与铁皮石斛根成功地形成了菌根,真菌菌丝穿透根被细胞,并在根被的某个细胞中定殖,然后经由外皮层的通道细胞进入皮层薄壁细胞;皮层薄壁细胞层正是真菌与植物体相互作用的活跃部位;真菌侵染大多数的皮层薄壁细胞,并不能侵染内皮层及中柱细胞,从而使根仍然保持生活力。  相似文献   
In this study, semivariance was used to quantitatively measure the spatial heterogeneity for the egg population of cotton bollworm during a growing season. The typical characteristic parameters of theoretical semivariance models against lag distances were applied to measure components of spatial heterogeneity: trend, range, spatial dependence, and the strength of spatial dependence. Then, kriging interpolation was used to evaluate the population risk of cotton bollworm exceeding economic thresholds. From early June through early September, the population densities were sampled 10 times in the study field. Results showed that the spatial patterns were related to population density. For its low-density population, the spatially heterogeneous trends were usually of spherical shapes; but for highdensity ones, the trends shifted to Gaussian shapes. The spatial dependence appeared at varied distances ranging from 52 meters to 936 meters, and the spatial dependence was in the range of 0.39-288.60, which changed with population densities. While having high heterogeneity, the strength of spatial dependence became much stronger. Results of population risk analysis showed that there was a high risk during its early stages, especially in mid-June. In August, population risk was so low that it did not need to be controlled.  相似文献   
胡杨、灰叶胡杨果实空间分布及其数量特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡杨、灰叶胡杨种间比较,果穗、种子在树冠上的垂直分布均表现为树冠上层最多,中层居中,下层最少,树冠南北侧相比较,南侧果穗量多于北侧.单果种子量在树冠各层次上差异不显著.胡杨单果重是灰叶胡杨的2.68倍,千粒重是灰叶胡杨的1.33倍,单果种子量是灰叶胡杨的2.14倍,单株种子量是灰叶胡杨的1.28倍,而单株果实量灰叶胡杨是胡杨的1.59倍.同一个种不同居群间比较,胡杨、灰叶胡杨均是单株果穗数和果穗果实数各居群间都存在差异,胡杨各居群间单果重、单果种子量差异不显著,而灰叶胡杨各居群间单果重及单果种子量差异极显著.表明胡杨在物质和能量上对后代的投资能力强于灰叶胡杨,生殖策略是通过较高的单果种子量来保证一定数量的单株种子量;而灰叶胡杨单果种子量较低,却是通过较高的单株果量来保证单株种子量,并且较小的种子占据空间生态位的潜能较胡杨占优势.  相似文献   
In the absence of fire in black spruce-feathermoss stands, a thick forest floor layer dominated by bryophytes and sphagnum accumulates. This layer is associated with wet, cool and nutrient-poor soil conditions conducive to the paludification process and pushing the ecosystem towards an unproductive open black spruce forest. The presence of Populus tremuloides in theses stands may halt this process because this species has a high nutrient cycling rate and a litter that represses moss cover. The main hypothesis of this study is that, despite similar abiotic conditions (slope and drainage), the presence of Populus tremuloides in a stand dominated by Picea mariana affects surface soil nutrient availability, total N, pH as well as the decomposition process. The abundance of Populus tremuloides trees was associated with higher exchangeable cations, cationic exchangeable capacity and pH of the forest floor layer on all sites. A decrease in organic matter thickness with increasing aspen presence was also found on all sites, suggesting that this species affects the decomposition process by the quality of its litter as well as by a general improvement of soil physical and chemical properties. The decomposition rate of a standard substrate as well as in vitro potential net nitrogen mineralization were positively related to Populus tremuloides on only one of the three sites, and non-significant on the other sites. Strong immobilization of added nitrogen during incubation was observed on all sites and was not related to aspen, which suggested that in these stands, the soil microbial community is uniformly and strongly nitrogen limited. The zone of influence of Populus tremuloides was evaluated in areas around the soil sampling plot ranging from 3 to 7 m. The results revealed that this zone varies with soil properties. The results suggest that the presence of Populus tremuloides accelerate nutrient cycling, which could affect stand productivity to some extent.  相似文献   
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